
Equal and Fair Justice for Sholom Rubashkin

Monday, October 17, 2011


As you know, we are trying to get as many signatures as possible on the We the Peoplepetition website. We only have two days left! We need help with the following:
1) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To the assist the community in entering their information and signing the petition. If you can volunteer Monday (Oct 17) between 2pm -11:30pm and/or Tuesday (Oct 18) between 10am - 8pm please let us know which hours work for you.
2) LAPTOPS / WIRELESS CARDS NEEDED: To enter information and sign the petition. Please let us know if you have any of the above available.
We need this right away. Please reply as soon as possible to: and specify your location in the Subject line so you can be directed to right place.
Thank you and may we see justice with your help!

PS. Please forward this to all your contacts! It would be a huge help and a great z'chus!

PPS. If you haven't seen it yet, click here to read a great article about the petition.

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